Archive for the Girlfriends Category

My quilt

Posted in Girlfriends, Love, Poetry, random thought on March 1, 2009 by silentdreams

Throbbing fingers falter
Tender from each misguided prick
Hopes and dreams patched together
With glue and string to make them stick.
Lives are sewn together
Hastily but carefully played
An intricate pattern emerges
And a patchwork quilt is made.
Some seams are made to be ripped
And squares to be pulled out clean
While others must be cut
And jagged edges must remain.
My quilt is full of holes
Pieces that have been worn through
Missing parts of my life
That use to guide me through.
But you have always been the string
That has mended up my tears
That has guided and has comforted me
Throughout the passing years.
My quilt is worn and ragged
And bloody dots show through in spots
But I know that it will last me through
Because every string ends with a knot.

Sick of this

Posted in Girlfriends, tortured on July 8, 2007 by silentdreams

I feel like you have died
Like you have been swallowed up in demon’s breath
Lost forever to me
I blame genetics for your unforgiving soul
I blame the beast that spawned the monster
Knowledge does not mend my bleeding heart
This lump in my throat will not depart
I wish I could hate you 
Disgustingly though I just hate me
As forseen
A disappointment I have become

I’m sorry

Posted in Girlfriends, Poetry, Thought, tortured on July 8, 2007 by silentdreams

In your silence unrelenting tension hid
Frozen in a mask of sorrow
But your heart was too far away to mend
Forgotten in a coming tomorrow
I missed you for such a long time
Yearned to dry away your tears
Hoping it was you I would one day find
Searching throughout all the passing years
But for you the hatred made the quickest sand
And stuck you in this place
Destitute on your piece of sandy land
Sadly my love for you has gone to waste

One last thought

Posted in Girlfriends on May 26, 2007 by silentdreams

I love you A.  May sleep help you get through another day.


Sharing the pain

Posted in Girlfriends, Poetry, Thought on April 24, 2007 by silentdreams

I forgot the pain for a moment or two
While I was having this conversation with you
It seems that I have become so traumatized
My memories have turned into lies
And the things I think to be reality
Are simply scattered day time dreams
But While I was talking to you
I realized I am not alone
My torture is not just my own

You share in my unrelenting pain

Mrs. A

Posted in Girlfriends on March 25, 2007 by silentdreams

Thank you for your love today.  It was a sweet gesture.  A child’s birthday seems so simple.  But friend, to me it meant the world.  Thank you for sharing your children with me and helping to make today a little brighter.  Love you A.  Take care.


To A

Posted in Girlfriends, random thought on January 19, 2007 by silentdreams

Softly spoken words of hope I send to you now out of condolences.  Friend, take with you my love and faith.  You ARE stronger than you pretend to be.  Love and endless praise is my gift you.  Take it and live a better day tomorrow.  I wish I could make everything okay.  Share your pain a little.  It seems that I am instead consumed inside my own.  I am sorry I can’t be a better friend.  I know you need one now.  I hope that this weekend sends you some peace.  I love you, A.  Take care.

Miss you

Posted in Girlfriends, Poetry on December 23, 2006 by silentdreams

Tomorrow is yet another day
Full of sorrow and sympathy.
Lost in words of caring prayer
Seeking to heal the heart’s long tear.
I wish to take away your pain
Let it seep through the cracks like a summer rain.
I miss you my friend and always will
Deep in slumber you lay so still.
Tomorrow’s but another day
To love and live in our simple way.
Miss you A

Panda Girl

Posted in Girlfriends on November 14, 2006 by silentdreams

Hey Sweet girl. Need a place we can talk?  Want to post and share with each other? I’m game.  I emailed you but we need to delete my old username and add my permanent one.  Big hugs.  Love, A